Lanuna Finance — Best Rebase APY With Play- 2-Earn And Move -To-Earn Gaming Platform

4 min readMay 21, 2022

Lanuna platform will be the first of its kind that provides the benefits of the block chain to the game and lottery industry. This platform will create a lottery industry and a new type of game that will be more transparent and safer than anything that exists today. Lanuna platform will provide experience in the game lottery and decentralized and transparent games that are safe, transparent and fair. Lanuna will allow anyone to believe, operate and control Lotterys or opportunities, in any way. Whether these are simple or complex skills games of the game “Select”, all of them can be hung and operate on the Lanuna platform. Lanuna is a cryptocurrency and the next generation of hybrid platforms, which joins the best features of the work test and the stake blockchains test.

Lanuna Platform is a new generation of Smart Contract Base platforms for transactions processing with third -party participation, which is possible to increase the level of trust of the transaction participants and reduce transaction costs. Lanuna platform is designed to unite the decentralized exchanges function, stock exchanges, payment service providers and storage services. This provides several functions to carry out transactions in the cryptocurrency market, carry out financial operations and participants of the project survey. This platform allows market participants to reduce their risk, increase their transaction speed and simplify their performance process.

Lanuna is a new blockchain platform that will change the way people and companies see digital coins. This is a transparent and decentralized platform that allows users to possess, send and receive cryptocurrencies. This platform is designed to be open and allows the integration of third -party applications. One of the most important features of the Lanuna platform is that this platform is designed considering several users. Easy to use and provide a lot.

  • Offering Higher APY up to 1,822,684 % : users can enjoy the highest results so far for investment in the Launa Finance Platform. Benefits of the first birds of the platform. Tokens are currently offered for sale on the pink sales platform, using the Fairlaunch approach.
  • Auto Staking mechanism : Lanuna Finance applies an automatic bet mechanism that allows investors to obtain their income without having to go through the strict defi operations. Users who have $ Lunu coins will get an endless income without lifting their fingers and even during sleep. The protocol allows the token holder to obtain interest on their income automatically.
  • Play To Earn : Lanuna offers several types of NFT, there are more than 30 types of NFT that allow users to participate in Lanuna games and optimize profits and entertainment. The exclusive NFT owner can participate in games, therefore, have fun and produce monetary benefits.
  • Move To Earn: Users can make movements based on body movements, they can be through operating exercises or roads by using Lanula movement to win. The

Unique features of Lanuna Finance

  • (RCF) Risk Control Fund : The protocol charges 4% when buying $ moon coins and 6% when it is sold. The loaded tax is transferring to the Liquidity Pool platform to ensure that there are more funds available in the Treasury, thus increasing the guarantee value.
  • Treasury : Additional 3% purchase tax and 5% entry to the Treasury Sales Tax to support the Risk Control Fund value (RCF)
  • Auto Liquidity LP : 7% that includes 2% of purchases and 5% of the sales tax is transferred directly to the automatic liquidity pool wallet, this strategy maintains an betting prize offered for positive overflow .
  • Auto Burn -(Fire Pit) : 1% of every tradu burned burned in the first well.

Lanuna is a financial company that ordered if you are looking for a new car. Lanuna Finance is the most reliable car financing company. They have a reputation as an honest and hard person, so many automotive distributors recommend it. If you are looking for car financing, check the resources on your site. Do you find a simple and safe credit application process? In Lanuna Finance, our goal is to offer the best loans for affordable and flexible cars to our customers. Get the credit of your car and enjoy your life calmly!

Lanuna Finance offers extraordinary customer service and flexible requirements. Lanuna is the most reliable car financing company in the world. They have been involved in this company for a long time and have a good reputation.

Token Details

  • Token Name: Lanuna Finance
  • Ticker: $LUNU
  • Decimals: 5
  • Initial Supply: 1,000,000
  • Buy-Sell Fess: 10% — 17%
  • 60% Fairlaunch
  • 36% Liquidity Provide
  • 2.8% Marketing & Airdrop
  • 1.2 Pinksale Fee

Lanuna Finance is a great project that appears as the best exception and self-staking protocol in this context. Lanuna Finance offers many different features to its users every day. Intrigued by the acceleration and domain of this beautiful project.

Lanuna Finance is a decentralized financial payment network that reconstructs traditional payments batteries in the block chain. It uses a stablecoin basket that is linked by Fiat, which is stabilized algorithmically by the Lunu reserve currency, to facilitate scheduled payments and the development of open financial infrastructure.

More Information Lanuna Finance

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Author : Gozila
Wallet : 0x285F33C29e90382574de207Ae2aDD6981f92f4f7

