KNL — Tokenisation Platform While Protecting Investors From Market Volatility

4 min readSep 13, 2019

KNL is a platform that joins together and thinks about the necessities of farmers, traders, investors, exporters. We give every member the chances and instruments that make up an entire chain of effective procedures for keeping up the operational exercises of the agricultural industry.

This ecosystem will help to completely go into the venture market of the horticultural division and get an ensured 30 penny benefit. KNL ecosystem speaks to an advantageous venture stage where every one of the members, including ranchers, financial specialists, clients, huge exporters can viably and productively speak with one another. All the more explicitly, the stage KNL tokenization enables you to digitize grain resources, property and assets.

I am talking about the KNL platform. This is a new economic model that is built on blockchain and provides tools for individual investors, small, medium and large businesses. Its main objective is to unite asset managers/owners and investors through new financial instruments that minimize the level of risk of operations. In this case, assets can be real estate, agriculture, manufacturing, shares in the enterprise among others.

Their infrastructure is based on the legislative framework to maximize the security and safety of investments on the platform. Kernel trade is based on stellar network ‘Token D’ core and utilizes highly advanced blockchain technologies like swift processing of transactions with lower costs, Processes that are highly secured starting from release/storage to the transfer of the platform tokens for trading purposes in the secondary market.

Here are some example problems are able to solve by KNL Ecosystem

Farmers no more need the credit insurance property, or land development systems, and no need moment grain deals at negative costs following harvest to get Finance. Presently there is the likelihood of utilizing grain holds for security resources got and the exchange on the tokenization of benefits without giving the detailing documentation of the yearly return of the economy.

Construction of agricultural real estate. Missing the disappointment of the consummation date because of deficiencies of subsidizing and there is no compelling reason to go into acknowledge contracts for high loan costs. It is presently conceivable to get ventures for acknowledgment of imaginative activities in development the agrarian division.

Also, in the KNL Ecosystem project there is the likelihood of financing to different segments, for example, the oil business, FINTECH, mechanical autonomy, man-made brainpower and a lot more alternatives.

The Main Task Of The KNL Platform

  • Based on our own procedures digital Blockchain bureaucracy, according to the specific characteristics of trade in the agricultural industry. This will give you the circumstances of each transaction between farmers and investors have the opportunity to high-speed, reliable locks.
  • Foster digital ourselves, to achieve the integration of the assets of raw materials labeled with partners through the network of networks. For example, farmers’ crops can be maintained at KNL lift and act as transaction security. At the same time, marking assets (plant) can perform an exchange transaction to transaction our own kernel.
  • The logistic support, transportation from the farm to the elevator started to cut production, the use of crop kernel shipped directly to the buyer upon delivery of the end of the contract — the trade exchange.
  • The development of our own network of cross-border payments will be made under the asset marks for help. This will allow the export business online, delivery and non-delivery was the main financial coverage on the stock kernel trading, trading speed for 1–3 seconds, rather than 3–10 banking days. KNL transaction token will be stored in our own elevator and elevator Partner Certified raw-backed securities are equivalent.
  • Investment analysis in the future harvest or build our own mechanism — insurance but does not include losses funds for investors.

Detail Token KNL

KNL is a token that provides access to investment projects on our platform, issued by the Kernel-Trade Platform digital asset fund. The KNL retention requirement is mandatory for the Kernel-Trade platform, since it guarantees all payments. KNL’s good liquidity, which stimulates the demand for a token and protects both investors and the platform from market volatility, allows investors to plan investments more thoroughly. Using KNL to cover all transactional and commission expenses is a fast, secure and reliable way to pay for digital assets and derivatives on the Kernel-Trade platform.
Token will be generally sold from 10.07.2019. This token is used in the KNL ecosystem during IEO performance. Its trade will be supported by the TOP exchanges. KNL token purchasing will allow using platform instruments with major discounts. It is also the investment fund.

The first tokens symbolizing physical assets will be released on our platform in early 2020. It will be used to enter into transactions between investors and partners, according to which loans can be issued. Validation of a transaction on Blockchain.

Ticker: KNL
Type: Cryptocurrency
Token standard: ERC20
Token price in USD: 1 KNL = 0.1 USD
Accepted currencies: ETH, LTC, BTC, USD
Token supply: 58,700,000 KNL
Total tokens for sale: 35,220,000 KNL
Soft cap: 350,000 USD
Hard cap: 5,870,000 USD

For Details Information :




